Inner & Outer Journeying
In my earlier post on Spiritual Landscapes I describe the contemplative places where our inner and outer spiritual journeying can come...

Psychological Ways We Can Undermine Our Spiritual Transformation
In my earlier article on Struggling with Prayer: A Psychological Perspective, I looked at ways we can unconsciously resist the change...

Healing Our Distorted Images of God
In my earlier article on the Spiritual Life & Our Images of God I looked at how our inner images of God (as opposed to beliefs about God)...

Wholeness & Our Unconscious
God calls us to wholeness, through self-transcendence, to embrace our true selves in God - our deepest Ground of Being. Richard Rohr (a...

Praying with the Labyrinth
A labyrinth is an ancient symbol that relates to wholeness. It combines the imagery of the circle and the spiral into a meandering but...

Cultivating Compassion Meditation
As explored in my earlier article, Cultivating Compassion is seen as embodying a divine quality that brings us closer to our true selves...

Cultivating Compassion
​Most spiritual paths teach that we come close to God when we 'walk in God's ways' - that is when we embody the divine quality of...

Knowing God: Wholeness & Self-Knowledge
In our contemporary world, we understand that psychological growth and spiritual growth are intricately linked. A mature relationship...

Praying with the Imagination
Using imaginative prayer has been a treasured tradition in Christian prayer for centuries. It inspired Francis of Assisi in the 12th...

Understanding Islam
Hans Küng, the noted Swiss Catholic theologian, once said, 'Until there is peace between religions there can be no peace in the world.'...