Spiritual Direction or Counselling?
Are you wondering what the similarities and differences are between counselling or therapy, and spiritual direction? After all, they both...

Going on Retreat
Retreats are times of renewal and refreshment, time to slow down and go deeper to connect with what is truly important to you in life; a...

Sacred Cains
On the home page of my website is a picture of a cairn. Cairns are piles of stone placed one on top of the other to mark key events such...

'The Butterfly Circus' - great video to watch
Have you seen this extraordinary short film (just 20 mins) - winner of over 35 film festival awards? Set in the landscape of the American...

Describing Spiritual Direction
What is spiritual direction? The first thing to say about spiritual direction is that it's not about telling people what to do, but...

Awakening Love
Just back from attending a refreshing and inspiring interfaith retreat day led by Maura Sills. She spoke of the numinous quality of love...

Spiritual Landscapes...
There are so many landscapes we pass through, internally and externally, as we journey in life. I find the outer and inner are so often...

Spiritual Journeying...
'In one sense we are always travelling, and travelling as if we did not know where we are going. In another sense we have already arrived.