Spiritual Life & Our Images of God
If we are a follower of a spiritual path then our images of God (or the sacred) are key. When we try to pray, we must have some idea of...

Praying with Art
Art can be a wonderful way of communicating (both listening and sharing) with God beyond words. It is not about creating masterpieces,...

Spiritual Abuse
Spiritual abuse is a much under discussed subject that is sadly more prevalent in spiritual contexts, including mainstream religions,...

Lectio Divina
Lectio Divina is an ancient contemplative way to read short passages of sacred text and prayerfully let God speak through them into our...

Spiritual Life and Listening
Listening to the Holy, listening to others and listening to ourselves are all vital to the spiritual life and journey. And to be able to...

Silent Mind, Holy Mind
Looking through the eyes of another can bring into fresh focus those things familiarity can too easily obscure. So, at this Christmas...

What is Prayer? Why is it important in the Spiritual Life?
As human beings we have a natural inclination toward the transcendent, and prayer is an expression of that inclination. The impulse to...

Struggling with Prayer : A Psychological Perspective
Many people following a spiritual life are often mystified by the fact that when they are most troubled and in need of quiet prayer, they...

Prayer Life Series
For most people following the spiritual life prayer can be a source of great strength and joy. It can, however, at other times also...

Spiritual Life and Our Emotions Part 3 : Practical Prayer
Having looked at some of the benefits and challenges of our emotions in the spiritual life and journey, we can now explore some practical...